Recharge pour soudeuse plastique professionnelle Micro-Mark® Same Stuff, 2 fl. onces.
La même formule que ProWeld et Tenax-7R
Ciment liquide solvant
Utilise l'action capillaire pour souder le styrène, l'acrylique, le butyrate et le plastique ABS
Comprend un pinceau applicateur intégré au bouchon du flacon
Créez des coutures serrées en 15 secondes
AVERTISSEMENT : Ce produit peut vous exposer à des produits chimiques, notamment au chlorure de méthylène, reconnu par l'État de Californie comme étant cancérigène. Pour plus d’informations, rendez-vous sur :
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Product specifications
0.31 lb
4 x 1.5 x 1.25 inches
90 Days
Back in Stock Date
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A Micro-Mark Best Seller
Tried and true by customers just like you, this item is one of our best sellers!
Same stuff I don’t know how they got the name, but I know this stuff works great on welding plastics together. I’ve used it for several years to repair models, as well as to build models and each time the joints are strong, and you cannot tell any melting of the plastic if you use the right amount The downside I don’t think there is any
Gary J.
Same Stuff
I’ve been using this stuff for years. Works great on plastic models and scratch builds . I prefer a thin paint brush for applications. Makes a permanent weld.
James S.!
This...Stuff...does a great job doing what it's supposed to do. Run a small bead and hold a few seconds and you are set. Use the optional applicator if you are not too good using a small brush.
I not only use this for plastic models and scratch-builds, but also making game board inserts and accessories from styrene.