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USS Constitution

USS Constitution

Launched in 1797 as one of six ships of the United States Navy as authorized by President George Washington under the Naval Act of 1794.  




The Constitution gained notoriety by defeating 5 British warships including HMS Guerriere, Java, Picton, Cyone, and Levant. The battle with Guerriere earned her the name of “Old Ironsides” because her hull was impenetrable. 



The ship became a national treasure. Old Ironsides fought in the Quasi-War against the French, the First Barbary War in Tripoli, and the War of 1812 against the British.

During the Civil War the Constitution was relocated to the US Naval Academy. In 1907, the Constitution began to serve as a museum ship. Today, the mission of the USS Constitution is to promote understanding of the Navy’s role in war and peace. She has a crew of 6 officers and 46 enlisted active-duty members of the US Navy.  


The ship resides in Boston at Charlestown Navy Yard. The non-profit USS Constitution Museum has more information about the ship. Also, the Navy provides more information about the USS Constitution at the Navy website


The ship’s fame includes a commemorative stamp in 1947.






Micro-Mark, and its mother company Scientific Models, has sold several versions of the models of the USS Constitution for decades.  


The several versions of the USS Constitution model is available at the Micro-Mark website.  


Also, all the specialized supplies and precision tools necessary to build wooden model ships.


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