Recambio para soldador de plástico profesional Micro-Mark® Same Stuff, 2 fl. onz.
La misma fórmula que ProWeld y Tenax-7R
Cemento liquido solvente
Utiliza acción capilar para soldar plástico de estireno, acrílico, butirato y ABS.
Incluye cepillo aplicador integrado en la tapa del frasco.
Crea costuras ajustadas en 15 segundos
ADVERTENCIA: Este producto puede exponerlo a sustancias químicas, incluido el cloruro de metileno, que el estado de California reconoce como causante de cáncer. Para obtener más información, visite:
Más detalles del producto
SAME STUFF...Liquid Plastic Welder Formulated for the Plastic Modeler
Micro-Mark® Same Stuff Professional Plastic Welder Refill, 2 fl. oz. Includes applicator brush built into bottle cap.
The same welder as ProWeld and Tenax-7R Solvent cement. Uses methylene chloride solvent to weld styrene, acrylic, butyrate, and ABS plastic. Includes applicator brush built into the bottle cap. Create tight seams in 15 seconds
To apply, place the parts together and then put a drop on the seam. Hold for 15 seconds. In that amount of time, SAME STUFF bonds and starts to cure. This method is far superior to thicker plastic cement which is messy, harder to control and can damage expensive model kits.
Ships by ground to 48 contiguous U.S. only.
Product specifications
0.31 lb
4 x 1.5 x 1.25 inches
90 Days
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A Micro-Mark Best Seller
Tried and true by customers just like you, this item is one of our best sellers!
I’ve been using this stuff for years. Works great on plastic models and scratch builds . I prefer a thin paint brush for applications. Makes a permanent weld.
James S.!
This...Stuff...does a great job doing what it's supposed to do. Run a small bead and hold a few seconds and you are set. Use the optional applicator if you are not too good using a small brush.
I not only use this for plastic models and scratch-builds, but also making game board inserts and accessories from styrene.
good stuff been using since tenx went away. Hold good drys fast